The same modelers were predicting drought and letting their friends nail their reputation to statements about how the dams would never fill, and Perth would be a ghost town. When Australia wasted billions on desal, they said nothing about the “extreme rain” coming. Then the endless drought broke, the rains returned, and now, years later, they’ve rejigged and tweaked their skillless models and put forward ambiguous, vague, yes-no-maybe, scare-scare-scary predictions that could have come from a tarot card reader.
Get ready for the full genius of expert modelling:
“There is no chance that rainfall in Australia will remain the same as the climate warms,” said an author of the paper UNSW Professor Steve Sherwood.
“The only way that this intensification of extreme rainfall falls at the lower end of the scale is if the continent becomes drier overall. The long and the short of it is that with 2°C of global warming Australia is stuck with either more aridity, much heavier extreme rains, or some combination of the two,” said Sherwood, from UNSW’s Climate Change Research Centre.
— A hard rain to fall in Australia, Phys org.
Other, less astrological climate researchers have found that Australia has had megadroughts for the last thousand years (Vance et al 2014). Paleoclimate rainfall estimates likewise find that both droughts and floods used to be worse and longer (Tozer et al 2016). None of the UNSW climate modeling experts know why.
Perhaps the CO2-addicted models just don’t work at all because it’s the sun driving rainfall patterns?
Climate models don’t include any solar influence other than total sunlight. Yet Australian and Asian rainfall has been linked to solar activity for last 6000 years (Steinke et al 2014) . Solar effects seem to shift wind and rainfall patterns over last 3000 years in Chile, while low solar activity means more central European floods. (Varma et al 2011, Czymzik et al 2016). Another study showed that when the sun is less active winters are likely to be warmer in Greenland with an increase in snowfall and yet colder in Northwest Europe. (Adolphi, 2014) The sun appears to control half of the groundwater recharge rate in China for last 700 years (Tiwari et al, 2014).
Models predicted that rain would fall more on wetter soils, but Taylor et al (2012) found rain fell on drier soils, and model feedbacks were wrong. See: Climate Models: 100% right except for rain, drought, storms, humidity and everything else.
They looked at the heaviest 1% of rainfall events experienced in Australia across all seasons with a particular focus on precipitation in the very different climates of Darwin, Sydney and Melbourne.
So they are investigating noise — rare events which need very long datasets to find a signal in.
The paper also went beyond the 2°C international Paris Agreement target, looking at what would happen with a 4°C rise in global temperature, which is a likely outcome based on current increases in the rate of carbon emissions. It produced a projected increase in rainfall for extreme events of 22-60%.
Why stop there? How about 6°C, 8°C, 10°C or eleventy-hundred*?
hat tip Pat, Geoff Derrick, Scott, Another Ian, AndyG, Albert Parker
Adolphi, Florian, and Muscheler R., Svensson, A., Aldahan, A., Possnert, G., Beer, J., Sjolte, J., Björck, A., Matthes, K., Thiéblemont, R. (2014) Persistent link between solar activity and Greenland climate during the Last Glacial Maximum. Nature Geoscience; DOI: 10.1038/ngeo2225
Jiawei Bao et al. Future increases in extreme precipitation exceed observed scaling rates, Nature Climate Change (2017). DOI: 10.1038/nclimate3201
Czymzik, M., Muscheler, R. and Brauer, A. 2016. Solar modulation of flood frequency in central Europe during spring and summer on inter-annual to multi-centennial timescales. Climate of the Past 12: 799-805.
Stephan Steinke,*, Mahyar Mohtadi, Matthias Prange, Vidya Varma, Daniela Pittauerova, Helmut W. Fischer (2014) Mid- to Late-Holocene AustralianeIndonesian summer monsoon variability, Quaternary Science Reviews 93 (2014) 142e154
Christopher M. Taylor, Richard A. M. de Jeu, Françoise Guichard, Phil P. Harris & Wouter A. Dorigo ‘Afternoon rain more likely over drier soils’ will be published in Nature on 12 September 2012. DOI 10.1038/nature11377
R.K. Tiwari1,* and Rekapalli Rajesh2 (2014) Imprint of long-term solar signal in groundwater recharge fluctuation rates from North West China. Geophysical Research Letters, DOI: 10.1002/2014GL060204
C. R. Tozer et al.: An ice core derived 1013-year catchment-scale annual rainfall reconstruction, The paper will be available for download from Hydrology and Earth System Sciences from 0900 AEST, 11 May 2016.
Vance et al, Interdecadal Pacific variability and eastern Australian mega-droughts over the last millennium (2014) American Geophysical Union, doi: 10.1002/2014GL062447
Varma, V., Prange, M., Lamy, F., Merkel, U., and Schulz, M.: Solar-forced shifts of the Southern Hemisphere Westerlies during the Holocene, Clim. Past, 7, 339-347, doi:10.5194/cp-7-339-2011, 2011. [abstract] [PDF]
*A cheeky dig at people struggling to count.
There has been a decade of preparation for the new scary idea. The weather could stay exactly the same but be more ‘extreme’. This is apparently predicted by the same models which predicted certain, rapid, tipping point, runaway global warming and were utterly wrong. Natural variation covers everything nicely, even those big events the computer models cannot begin to explain like growing ice in Antarctica and El Nino and La Nina for example. Coral bleaching is likely to be a natural event. After all the reef was supposed to be wiped our forty years ago by the crown of thorns starfish. In the 1970s the forecasters were confidently expecting the next ice age.
However the very idea that CO2 also produced more extremes is apparently quite proven, impossible to disprove and now the basis of Climate Change. So if it rains more in one place than another, or less, both are absolute proof of ‘climate change’. The only thing this vague and unproven theory has in common with reality is that clouds are made from the same stuff, vapour.
“However the very idea that CO2 also produced more extremes is apparently quite proven, impossible to disprove and now the basis of Climate Change. So if it rains more in one place than another, or less, both are absolute proof of ‘climate change’. The only thing this vague and unproven theory has in common with reality is that clouds are made from the same stuff, vapour.”
There is absolutely no physical evidence that amount of atmospheric CO2 has any effect on Earth surface at any possible location. Just what may you mean by “CLIMATE” whiteman?
By whom where?
There is also no evidence that mankind has the ability to alter CO2 levels. It can be proven that less than 2% of all CO2 is fossil fuel CO2 and thus man made and that is very short lived. However even serious sceptics ignore this fact because they have not done physical chemistry and it seems obvious to everyone that our fossil fuel CO2 must increase atmospheric CO2 levels, except it is not true. That was what surprised me about Prof Will Steffen as he is an industrial chemist, so I wrote to him a few years ago now. He just referred me to the IPCC reports. When this collapses, some will have more questions to answer than others but I guess they will be retired.
G’day TDef
That 2% figure sounds about right, given that the tonne for tonne ratio of CO2 deportment between ocean and atmosphere is about 50:1. (Neglecting those pesky trees etc of course.)
It comes back to kinetics and the wise ones reckon it takes about 5 years to achieve equilibrium. The Hawaiian CO2 monitoring seems to show an even higher response, based on seasonal CO2 uptake from the plantlife.
On the other hand, of course, you could believe the IPCC proposition that it takes 1000 years, in which case I have a special opportunity for you involving a bridge…
Speedy, both the 2% and the 14 year half life are demonstrable facts, the inconvenient truth the IPCC studiously ignores in justifying its existence.
What I find odd is the lack of UN/IPCC/WHO action on the Indonesian massive clearance fires every year which choke Sinagpore and destroy jungle habitats in Indonesia. Not a thing said or done, as far as I know, so the only function of the IPCC over 30 years has been pushing Global Warming.
G’day (belatedly) TdeF
The IPCC is a political body, not a scientific one. It was set up to study man-made global warming, hence natural events (cosmic, volcanic, clouds etc) are beyond its remit. It’s like we’re asking a blind man to advise on the colour scheme for our curtains.
You could argue that the Indonesian fires are man made – and they are. But I suspect that the true agenda of the IPCC, like that of the UN, is more to frame western democratic society as the guilty party.
The “science” of global warming is only a façade for an underlying agenda that opposes liberal post-enlightenment civilisation. We need to attack the façade to demonstrate the integrity of the people behind it. I think that’s why Jo has broadened her blog to deal with political and social issues outside of global warming “science”.
Interestingly, Scott Adams (Dilbert) is voicing his doubts about AGW and its associated politics lately.
Sorry, the IPCC remit is to REPORT AGW, not study it. The assumption of AGW’s existence is implicit to its mission.
Hertzberg and Schreuder, 2016 concludes with ” Nothing in the data supports the supposition that atmospheric CO2 is a driver of weather or climate, or that human emissions control atmospheric CO2.”
This supports Salby’s contentions and your statements above. It also, if true, completely falsifies the hypothesis that humans are causing dangerous global warming by burning fossil fuels.
Why is this information not headline news like VE day or VJ day? The human race is free of the burden of self imposed destruction and the onus of the guilt we were carrying for causing the demise of our progeny.
Correct and Murry Selby was fired for his unavoidable and professional conclusions as a real climate scientist, unlike Flannery or Gore. His other very significant discovery was that CO2 is correlated with the integral of temperature, which fits perfectly with the ocean warming increasing CO2 expectation and Henry’s Law, the integral being total heat transferred. Real science, not religion and socialist opportunism. No cheering for this either.
In other words, warmer conditions steadily increase CO2, not the other way round. This is another essential premise of man made Global Warming destroyed. The modern invention of the IPCC that CO2 changes climate extremes without changing temperature has no evidence at all. They claim that every climate event is CO2 driven. That is past absurd and plays to the Latter day Luddite fear of automation.
Our last drought ended in 2009. This was the year when the rains started to return & its been good ever since with the occasional blip here & there.
Expect the next “dry” to kick off around 2020 / 2021.
Approximately every 11 to 12 years the cycle repeats with variations in intensity & timing. After all the weather patterns & cycles are not man made so take it as it comes & get used to it.
The one thing that, today, is predictable is the scary stories of disaster that will only go away if you pay it to!!
This chap had more profound things to say about rain than the expert modellers:
Maybe that will be Sherwood’s next one… rain that comes up straight up from underneath…
My Country recited by Dorothea Mackellar
Don’t they teach this to kids any more?
Yes, love the poem. I introduced Lord Monckton to it and he loved it.
However there is an even a more pointed and funny poem Said Hanrahan, painting the picture of the Flannery of the day. We’ll all be rooned. Hanrahan takes it further to the Angry Summer.
And to think that Dorethea Mackellar wrote this more than 100 years ago when Nature was struggling to survive in near “drought” conditions of CO2 concentrations of 250ppm.
Look how much better off we are now that we have cracked 400ppm.
In a recent post by Lord Munckton on WUWT he even points to the re-greening of the Sahara!
Dorethea was not an IPCC scientist so how would she know?
“Dorethea was not an IPCC scientist so how would she know?”
That greatly increases her chance of being correct.
Born in 1885 she experienced first hand the extraordinary Federation drought (1895-1903) on her brother’s farm, something missing from the Australian BOM records?
So even when we have real and substantial evidence of much warmer times and a worse drought, it is ignored. Surely the amazing 350 full time Climate Change scientists of the CSIRO would have added the State records prior to 1909 to the Federal BOM ones to see if the Climate had actually changed, but they were probably too busy at conferences or having morning tea or planning their retirement. More likely they did and did not like what they found? In time, the truth will out.
I’m still waiting for the snow to stop.
I take it that you refer to the snow that children will never know?
How spot
onoff was that prediction?And now, taken from the archives, we have Prof. Sherwood, starring in the remake, called;
“There is no chance that rainfall in Australia will remain the same as the climate warms”!
Of course the classic journalistic headline that started the genre was:
“Thousands escape death, as ‘plane fly’s over”.
Journalists refer to it as “Fark”. In fact there is a book dedicated to it, of that name, if anybody is interested.
Prof. Sherwood needs less verbosity.
The only thing entirely predictable is that as that climate scientologists’ predictions will become increasingly vague and hysterical as the actual climate rebuts their claims.
What the Papers didn’t mean to say!
Reputedly a headline from a 1942 edition of the now defunct British regional paper, the News Chronicle
“Eighth Army push bottles up Germans“.
Damn Jerry doesn’t half like a bottle up them cause nobody,but nobody likes that cold steel.
To give you an idea of the knobs to twiddle to get you the “right answer” out of a global climate model
A excellent piece about GISS modeled nonsense.
Where ChiefIO has found that upon not having enough variable parameters for the model, GISS has decided to vary the way the many parts of the model are compiled. Essentially they are trying to mitigate against the rounding errors of the various procedures by running them at various (variable) points during the compilation.
It’s a massive —
garbage in –> variable klugifier –> garbage out
In computer modelling terms, precision of the source data becomes a problem. If you try to use measurements expressed to six decimal places in computations that use integers rounded to the nearest factor of 100, you are likely to get some rather weird results. Climate
fudginganalysis has to go to four or more decimal places to get the signal they require.It’s all smoke and mirrors, folks.
I had heard about the 4 parameters and 5 thing for many years and thought it was a great story, but not a true one. Then one day I accidently found the paper.
Bob Dylan, Nobel Laureate or something, and well-credentialled climate modeller, said it years ago: A hard rain’s gonna fall, to which he added the codicil ‘it’s blowin’ in the wind’.
But I say, sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy.
The cracked bells and washed out horns blow into my face with scorn.
More waffle about “hottest year on record” last night…..
As people get more smart-phone enabled, their attention spans and deep thinking capability seems to rapidly decrease I fear….
Yesterday it was 35C here in the Blue Mountains. Today the maximum was 15C. I just don’t know how I am going to cope with a change of one or two degrees.
I suspect there will be some disagreement with some of the content of the presentation but the policy implications should be agreeable to most AGW skeptics.
Indeed! Should the AGW zealots be confined to some institution, like the US Afgan Tora Bora correctional institute? Perhaps better would be marched in any direction until their HAT FLOATS! -will-
Just wait until the data homogenisers get to it, two days from now, it will be the other way around.
I’ll let you know!
Wow! I got two red thumbs for telling the truth. O me miserum
Nothing unusual about that.. Happens to me all the time
Does the average temperature for all Australia have any meaning? In the northern regions of Australia, according to the Bureau, the mean temperature is about 27 degrees, while in southern regions the mean is about 15 degrees. It would be useful if climate alarmists stated their findings based on absolute temperatures rather than 2 degrees warmer than what.
In Paris, Governments “agreed” to a long-term goal of keeping the increase in global average temperature to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels, and stated a preference for an increase of no more than 1.5 degrees.
As I understand it, the average global temperature has increased by a whole 1 degree since 1880 – are we really half way to catastrophe? If so, surely the signs should be evident already – poorer crop yields, dying animals, a drier planet? Hmm, seems life has never been better.
And after all their studies, all they can report is “There is no chance that rainfall in Australia will remain the same as the climate warms,” said an author of the paper UNSW Professor Steve Sherwood. Professors get paid by us poor taxpayers for making “forecasts” like that?
History of the last 100 years shows average Australian rainfall has increased from about 450 to 500 mm per year with about a 1 degree temperature increase (assuming you can trust Bureau “homogenized records”).
Spent three days in the Wonnangatta valley last week , during the day mid 30,s and as soon as the sun went down it was below 10 .
The summers of today are no different to the summers of my childhood except the advent of air conditioning has made life a lot more comfortable and me a lot less tolerant to our normal summer temps .
Been feeling some heat this summer on the midcoast of NSW. When the temp gets over 40C for more than a day you really feel it. Fortunately, you seldom get two in a row along our east coast.
But I remember the four in a row in Sydney 1960, still the biggie in the record. And as scary as the readings for Melbourne 2009 may be, I’ll take the three-day scorcher and one day of 46.4 over the six-day heatwave there of 1908, a real weather cataclysm. Mind you, four days in 2014, even allowing for some UHI, would have been killers.
By the way, Melbourne was driest in 1967 and wettest in 1916. Its greatest flood was in 1891 and its heaviest downpour was in 1954. And while 46.4 in 2009 was the hottest day officially, in 1851, on Black Thursday, the reading was 47.2. (On Black Friday 1939 the official reading was 45.6.)
Melbourne had its only full-on snowstorm in 1849 and an actual F3 tornado in 1918.
So it was worse than they thought and now it’s worse than we thought. And the climate “science” is also worse than we thought.
I used to jog in Canberra in the late 80s, early 90s. The temperature in summer frequently had a series of days over 40 C. Now, the mainstream media is calling a day extreme if it goes over 30 C.
Info is limited for Canberra area, but there are daily readings available for Canberra (Acton) which show 1939’s heat really coming down hard there. (The Eastern Oz heatwave of 1939 remains our deadliest natural disaster, just shading the 1896 Big Heat.) The heat in Canberra in 1939 went from Jan the 6th to the 14th, included four days over 40 and four days just under 40. You can see why so many died in NSW…and that’s not including the fire disaster of that season, when almost five million acres blazed.
1938-9 was actually a La Nina flanked by neutral years…so I suspect the climate itself is a bit of an anti-science skeptic. You know how hard it is to get through to that lot.
Hivemind was not jogging around Acton in 1939. All the data on that page is listed as, ” Not quality controlled or uncertain, or precise date unknown”.
This is what happened in 1939:
Curiously, 1939 did end up behaving like a La Nina, but too late for those who perished.
My attitude is that if it could happen in 1896, 1908, 1939, 1967, 1983 and 2009 it can happen again. In fact, it will. Let’s hope the preparations and precautions are practical and not dictated by a peculiar global religion that thinks solar panels at 50+N on the other side of the world are some kind of “solution”.
no it didn’t you are making that up. I’m sure Jo, who was resident at the time also has a memory at odds with yours.
I lived in Canberra during the summer of 1986. We had a heat wave that lasted about 5 days. After the first day I had to move my family into a hotel because they had air conditioning. It was about 38-40C each day.
Maybe it was 1988.
The record shows a string a hot days in Jan 1988 lasting from Jan6 -16.
that is not “a series of days over 40”. Hivemind was wrong.
Highest daily max for the whole of 1986 was January 12 33.8C
counting Dec 1985 as part of summer ’86… top temperature was 31C
Have you ever compared the temperature on your thermometer to what the official temperature for your town is?
When our area gets an official 32C, I’m reading 36C inside the house. Perhaps Hivemind was doing the same.
Hmm Ouch Gee, it seems that empirical (observed) trumps your lack of evidence.
How do you respond?
no… there were no “series of 40 degree days” at any regional stations beween 1985 and 2000. In fact there are very few 40 degree days at all. Empirical data wins as you say.
btw you wrote your comment after I submitted a response to Peter C which is in moderation for some reason
I wont include the comment!
“regional stations”
Did you ask exactly where they were jogging?
You are apparently caught by the fallacy of official authority as the only source of empirical evidence.
…for there is nothing either good or bad,
but thinking makes it so, moso.
h/t the bard.
If anyone wants a real climate fright, I’d suggest the record for Bourke in the 1896 killer heat. Just about all of Jan was well in the forties, with four days over 48C and many in the mid-40s. Perhaps these readings are no longer official, but we know from old news and documentation that the suffering in eastern Oz during January 1896 was on a massive scale. (Curiously, it was mirrored by an almighty heatwave in the Eastern US that year, with 1300 New Yorkers dying. 1896…Go away!)
It just as well things pass, isn’t it?
Back in those days, climate was caused by ‘inversion layers’ All heat waves were caused by inversion layers that refused to move and the like. We would all wait patiently for some wind to disperse the heat trapping inversion layer.
On the news Wednesday evening a local crushed and block ice producer was interviewed midcoast NSW and he said that sales have been above average because of the above average summer heat, and he added that these weather conditions are experienced every ten years or so.
With 2°C of global cooling Australia is stuck with more aridity.
There, fixed it.
Some say ice is worse.
I’ve been in the mountains for nearly a week and guess what, it was drier, wetter and both during those days. I fully agree with our ‘experts’.
It has been a while since I visited the GWPF site. There are quite a few videos now linked on the site regarding their reports. This is one that presents some interesting points:
I suspect there will be some disagreement with some of the content of the presentation but the policy implications should be agreeable to most AGW skeptics.
40C here in Rockhampton now.
The scary scary news on the ABC now shows a definite concerted effort on their part to say at every chance the hottest temperatures in the State.
Then they have another special addition advising people what to do in the case of these
normalSummer temperatures.The advice is to stay inside with the air conditioning on if you have it, and if not, then go to those large Malls near your area which do have air conditioning.
Hang on a minute. Here’s me thinking that all along, they’ve been telling us that the ever increasing availability of air conditioning is one of the root causes of major power consumption, hence the need for constant and reliable power, and we all know the only source of that power.
They even showed someone turning their aircon remote down to 16C, hence the compressor runs longer, increasing power consumption, and in reality, not making all that much difference.
We have ours set at 25C, and it’s just the right setting for us, and oddly, the recommendation is for that 25C setting, and they show someone rolling it back to 16C.
I’m certain that they just read all this ‘guff’ off the autocue, without having the slightest idea what they are saying.
Hypocrisy does indeed have no bounds.
On Earth Earthlings remain Top Preditor! Perhaps the Girlies would like da guys to be nice! Unfortunately PREDITOR, disable the prey then gorge on that nice warm fresh food, be nice, take some home to Mommy and the kiddies. -will-
“I’m certain that they just read all this ‘guff’ off the autocue..”
Just like Obama.
Heavens, Tony.
If we kept ours set at 25 down here in Tassie, it wouldn’t run at all!
The BOM have just added a new window to their home page;
Currently it is showing a video of a young meteoroligist warning of thunderstorms and heat waves in Queensland!
It looks like they are doubling down on the alarmist weather stuff.
Real climate science applies the rigours of the Scientific Method. Ersatz climate science invokes the application of woo.
These days, climate is driven by pressing zero’s on a digital money (debt) printing apparatus. The climate every man woman and the unborn on every region of the planet is born into is derived from the emission of these said debt derived dollars.
If more zero’s are printed, the climate heats up…if less zero’s are printed, the climate cools down.
I continue to remain skeptical about mans ability to regulate the emission of fiat currency into the environment or that mammals will be able to see that it is the emission of zero’s into the environment that is the true cause of climate change.
For example, zero’s are released into the environment and are used to build nuclear weapons. The climate of an entire region or the entire world is changed when the weapons are used on a quiet sunday afternoon for example.
When dealing with climate, the question of CO2 is small potatoes.
Where have all the cyclones gone? Supposed to six this season…according to BOM.
They’re lurking, just like the red thumb trolls.
Deep down in the ocean waiting for the next global warming when the heat emerges from the ocean depths.
Is it true that Mike Baird has just resigned as NSW Premier?
Yes, he had a news conference.
Perhaps you upside down folk are getting a clue! Come to the USA to remain totally confused! -will-
Depends who replaces him.
Will it be another pseudo-greenie… or an actual conservative !
The state government was elected as a centre/conversative government, but Baird was like Turnbull in many respects, often cow-towing to the ABC and other far-left ideologies.
Someone as least somewhere to the right of the Labor party (Democratics, sort of) is needed.
Just for the US guys, by way of explanation..
We basically have 4 parties down here
One Nation: centre-right/conservative/rational
Liberals: centre-left, unfortunately now led by a left-greenie sycophant
Labor: Union-left.. thugs, bullies etc
Greens: ultra-far-loony-left/communist reject totalitarians.
… and the’re all made out of ticky tacky,
and they all look just the same.
I read a study that reports the right wing politicians are better looking that the left side.
“than’ My typing is shyte!
Right wing pollies aren’t trying to morph into something unnatural, the blokes end up looking like old lezzos.
Stop using your left wing when typing.
That’s probably because they shave. And possibly because they wash regularly also.
It was Mussolini, in his socialist days, who pointed out that too many of the Left mistook lack of hygeine for revolutionary fervour. Of course, coming from Italy which is much warmer than northern european countries he may have exhibited a certain southern bias, and was thrown out for olfactory discrimination.
Right wing female journos are definitely better looking than their lefty counterparts.
Ahh, Pete Seeger that Ol’ fashioned commie type.Still, things were different back then.Still love his honesty and songs.
I don’t think Pete wrote Little Boxes.
“Little Boxes” is a song written and composed by Malvina Reynolds in 1962, which became a hit for her friend Pete Seeger in 1963
Wikipedia reference
Apologies to Malvina.Cant be right all the time ;
Again congrats to you upside down folk that are getting a clue! Come to the USA to remain totally confused! We be way ahead yet way, way behind! Oh whoah are we! -will-
Come to a halt then Will?
The National Party too, coalition partner of the Liberal Party and the Nationals are larger and have longer history than either the extreme Greens or the born again One Nation Party which is struggling again to find its way forward.
oops.. I forgot about the National party..
I wonder how that happened
Interesting that no-one else noticed, either.
They are always the bridesmaid and never the bride?
Please explain.
One Nation has now got three (3) Senators in Canberra, one resigned and is now an independent, he was their fourth Senator. The Senate consists of 76 Senators. One Nation has no House of Representative MPs.
No offence intended, just putting them into perspective as a political party.
Unfortunately for himself, Prof Steve Sherwood is stuck with either low intellect or low intelligence, or indeed somewhere in between.
I’d go for low integrity. Lying even to himself.
It’s hard to fathom how some people – supposedly of “learning “, be so accepting and non- critical. I was engaged with a “political scientist” in a discussion about the current weather and he appeared convinced his grandchildren were going to “fry” at some point in the future due to mans influence. Just maybe there are many hard-wired brains out there that have a disaster default.
Have to say, the people who make these so called predications must think we are all as dumb as they are. In my early 70s and have seen blistering hot summer days, heat waves with suffocating nights, big floods, two once in a 100 year floods, long miserable droughts, not a blade of green grass anywhere. We called it weather, plain weather! Now every event is labelled climate change, what a joke, these people need to get outside and away from their air conditioners and computers before they all totally lose the plot. The reason why so many people suffer the effects of heat and cold in season is because their bodies can’t adjust because they live in air conditioning, at work, at home, in the car, how does blood thin or thicken depending on the season?
My grandmother, who was born in the 1890’s always said “weather always runs in cycles” and I trust her lifelong observations much more than climate models (whatever they are). With computers, rubbish in, rubbish out, accuracy in accuracy out.
Agree with your thoughts on (global warming;climate change;climate variability) having lived in western Qld most of my 86 yrs as a producer of food & fibre (successfully) and endured a number of ‘worst droughts’ in history followed by flooding rains and a land flowing with ‘ milk & honey’ not to mention the odd bushfire, hailstorm, choking dust storm which usually presaged a change in the weather for the better. My forebears had to endure the same conditions for the previous hundred years with success and without computers etc to help, whereas today it is much easier to manage. People sitting in an air-conditioned office looking at a computer still have trouble telling us what is going to happen with the weather try as they might they still can’t make it rain, stop it getting hot or cold and they can’t control the weather.
somehow this reminds me of the paper being discussed. get ready for MILD WEATHER:
18 Jan: Missoulian: Rob Chaney: The other side of global warming? Montana gets mild
Sick and tired of extreme news about climate change? Then come to Montana…
Making conditions hotter, wetter or wilder someplace means they’ve got to get milder somewhere else.
That somewhere happens to be western Montana and environs, according to researchers at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and Princeton University.
“Parts of Canada will be more often in the mild band than they are now,” said lead author Karin van der Wiel of NOAA’s Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory at Princeton University. “Other places will become too hot in the future, or have too much precipitation or humidity.”…
Reached by Skype at her office in the Netherlands, van der Wiel said much of climate-change research focuses on the extremes: where more drought, tropical cyclones or other disastrous developments might intensify. Or it looks at changes in global averages, which make little sense to anyone without a degree in climate science.
“But there’s a lot of data that’s not extreme,” van der Weil said. “That’s why we decided to look for mild weather.”…
And it should be noted that mild weather for humans could be catastrophic for other creatures…
Places like the U.S. Southeast, Latin America, central Africa and Asia could lose 14 to 50 mild days a year by the end of the century, the study found. That’s because those regions will get a lot more heat from global warming…
Communities along the U.S.-Canadian border, Great Britain and Patagonia should see 10 to 15 more days of nice weather a year by 2100. While some of those places might have more uncomfortable summers, their springs, falls and winters should feel warmer and drier…
“We believe improving the public understanding of how climate change will affect something as important as mild weather is an area ***ripe for more research and more focused studies,” said study co-author Sarah Kapnick, a NOAA physical scientist. “Predicting changes in mild weather is not only important to business and industry, but can also contribute to research on the future of physical and mental health, leisure and urban planning.”
below has link to report:
18 Jan: Princeton: Climate change to alter global pattern of mild weather
Scientists from Princeton University and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) have produced the first global analysis of how climate change may affect the frequency and location of mild-weather days — and it may be soon.
In a report published Jan. 18 (LINK) in the journal Climatic Change, the researchers define mild weather as temperatures between 64 and 86 degrees Fahrenheit (18 and 30 degrees Celsius); less than 0.04 inches (1 mm) of rain; and a dew point below 68 degrees F (20 degrees Celsius), which indicates low humidity. NOAA funded the work…
Wind Mills in South Australia closing down already
Big Storm coming to Adelaide
Jay will blame the trees that didn’t blow over power lines last time, this time
If you’re in South Australia buy:
Could be another bad one!
BOM is blaming Climate Change – it’s really useless WINDMILLS
The study’s lead author Jiawei Bao said most parts of Australia would be affected by an increase in global temperatures.
“Extreme precipitation is projected to increase almost everywhere in Australia from tropical regions in the north to mid-latitudes in the south and from dry deserts in the centre to wet places along the coast,” he said.
~ ~ ~
New Scientist, 2007 & SMH, and as Tim Flannery put it, coal fired power stations “emit much of the CO2 that is the ultimate cause of the drying”.
. . .
If carbon (sic) causes both drought and rain simultaneously, how do you know when the climate is ‘fixed’?
h/t to last sentence @pointman.
When the last dollar has been squeezed out of taxpayers, then it will be fixed! Or at least, the drivel will ease..
OT, storm approaching Adelaide, gov warns power may go out……I consider that progress don’t you.
Late news some suburbs lose power my lights are now flickering
Extreme mega storm has now passed a few thousand without power.
Watching news about Italian snowfalls/earth quakes. 130k without power due to historic snowstorm we loose the same from a puff of wind.
G’day Crakar
It seems like South Oz has been really unlucky with the number of “extreme storms” happening ever since those windmills showed up.
Almost like someone is making up an excuse or something…
“Unprecedented storms” according to S.A authorities. Of course that is a common line these days – unprecedented. Well,in 35 years……..
We got that storm here (Ballarat) at 01:30, Melbourne had rainfalls from 12 to 21mm, we had 13.6mm one of our dogs really frets during a storm while the other snores his head off.
The one that snores is a Republican.
The other is a Democrat.
I said two dogs not a dog and a pussy.
Sorry Craker red thumb in error by me.
Actually I’m in total agreement with you.
The people in SA may have to learn the hard way.
“Climate Change” is such a nice theory. If anything changes in the climate, it is man’s fault. If it doesn’t, it is catastrophic stability also caused by man. Heads they win, tails you lose.
It is irrelevant to them that a theory that is supported by no matter what happens is not a scientific theory. That’s OK. Especially since it is all nothing more than “let’s pretend”. A pretense that has and will have an ever growing cost in lives, dreams, wealth, and incalculable lost opportunity.
When you are trying to destroy technological civilization and all of mankind, the end justifies the means. It’s all a matter of what works.
Teaching moment: This is how one makes sure one is never wrong.
I wish they were honest for once and admit the climate models are a total waste of time, much like trying to predict where the stock market will be within say 5% accuracy in 20, 30 or so years from now. Anyone who says they can is a 100% certified fool.
Sherwood and Turney – what a match!!!!
They should meet in the Antarctic somewhere.. on a boat.
Turney tried that – refer “Spirit of Mawson” fiasco. Nearly got as far south as Doug Mawson did in 1913 with a steamboat. What’s 50km off the coast between climate scientists, eh?
The irony was that Chris Turney was trying to demonstrate the impact of global warming – and, unfortunately for him – he did!
What about a barbecue on ice?
I would suggest that anybody who believes in the slightest that Australia has a relatively settled climate take a look at a series of annual decile rainfall maps of Australia beginning with the annual rainfall decile distribution across Australia in April 1890 to March 1891 and from there every annual Australian continental rainfall distribution and deciles up to March 2016.
Finding this series of Australia’s annual rainfall decile distribution maps in the million or so pages the BOM claims [ and thats straight from some BOM personnel at a public meeting ] to have accessible through the internet is a very big ask.
I finally located the Map series on the Queensland government’s agricultural portal , The Long Paddock.
Australia’s Variable Rainfall
April to March Annual Australian Rainfall Relative to Historical Records 1890–2016
Note that these rainfall decile charts are for an annual period from April to March in the following calender year
This map series was also available in poster form a few years ago and I got my copy [ mislaid with some house shuffling going on ] from a private seasonal forecaster, an ex BOM weather forecaster.
Rather sadly I can’t put this very illuminating series of 126 annual rainfall decile maps up here on Jo’s blog [ maybe Jo could consider doing so as the maps are very enlightening for anybody who has little idea on how variable Australia’s seasons and rainfall actually are over a century and a quarter of Australian climate history ] which show the tremendous range and variation and complete and utter inconsistency and unpredictability in both amounts and distribution of Australia’s seasonal / annual rainfall over the last 126 years.
These maps show just how bloody stupid, imbecilic or close to it, these Fairies at the bottom of Garden climate change believing climate modellers [ at least while the climate change grants stay at their current munificent levels;; sarc/ ] are in trying to both predict the climate and even more stupidly claiming to be able to predict how and when and how much and how fast or slow that rainfall and temperature changes and no doubt wind speeds and if the Sun will rise and tomorrow predictions from their models.
Well done ROM ! Agree totally with your last paragraph as per the Bureau’s reticence to accommodate the wealth of data contained within. Politics of climate.
A blast from the past on Trust and science.
On why Klimate Scientists got away with it at the start.
” The biggest mistake that main stream scientists made in assessing the initial Global Warming claims was related to trust.
Scientists generally are entitled to assume that other scientists will adhere to a certain basic level of analysis, measurement and assessment and reporting.
Scientists outside the Climate area assumed that the discussion on the micro mechanics of CO2′s part in Global Warming had been legitimately isolated as the controlling factor but have now discovered two things.
Their trust in Climate Scientists was seriously MISPLACED and that the behaviour of CO2 was the ONLY factor analyzed, not the final one.
The vast engineering problem of Atmospheric Temperature had not been touched at all.
This crap must rank alongside other famous green messes like NO Dams and No Backburning.
Social disruption at its finest. Look at the mess they have created’.
What planet are the climate scientists modelling ?
if all these changes are required and yet still produce major inaccuracies you might want to ask well What planet are the GSMs modelling ? perhaps one with static clouds and constant Solar source could be your answer..
In fact it might be easier to change the characteristics of the planet being modelled to fit with the results rather than change GSM design, because it is not the Earth which is being modelled by these GSMs.
After decades of work, the results from the GSMs are to put it bluntly “way out in left field”.
p.s. Gavin Schmidt likes to hear that the climate models are “skillfull” so I am glad to see “skillless”,being used in this context, especially considering how much it has cost.
A thought experiment. Sometimes known as a “thoughtie”.
Sun comes up feels warm in daytime during winter on occasion at our latitude.
Night time, no Sun but it is getting quite chilly.
Got that?
Now pretend that the Sun does not come up on schedule. Your cool night turns into a perpetual night until you freeze.
The only question is : How long will it take before all residual energy is gone from your locality and you wind up as an icy statue looking for the Sun. Maybe two more nights? The Earth can easily get rid of the solar energy arriving from the Sun each day and it does so very frequently at night.
CO2 will not save you. It’s the Sun.
‘2C or not 2C, that is the question.
The entire ‘2C limit’ has been yet another hoax from the start. How? Because a ‘2C rise in temperatures’ was designed to give the impression they had 1. control of the science and 2. had identified a terrifying, looming deadline that demanded we act to prevent disaster. (Remember the single biggest driver of human activity is fear) It was easily deliverable by a combination of naturally rising post little ice age temperatures, a cherry-picked start date and wilful data manipulation. All have been occurring.
Meanwhile who has proven that ‘2C’ is somehow a bad thing? Oh that’s right…nobody. But it was granted the persona of the climate devil and if you keep repeating a lie often enough…
So it stimulates action (cash, power, policies, influence) to allow us to try to prevent hitting the (unmissable) ‘target’ in the first place, allows activists to scream ‘OMG – it’s worse than we thought!’ when the unmissable ‘target’ is hit and then triggers yet more action – both more urgent and farther-reaching than ever before, once that ‘target’ has been breached. Career security locked in for years and a win-win for all on the climate gravy train.
Meanwhile, ‘2C or not 2C’, there’s absolutely nothing to say that such a rise would even be a bad thing and no evidence whatsoever that there’s anything wrong with our global climate. You gotta hand it to em, they aren’t daft.
Dead right Chesh-this 2 degree ‘target’ is a calculated attempt to fool the masses. And so far you would have to say the that they (The IPCC) have succeeded. Not only that but the 2 degrees, carefully specified as ‘from the start of industrialization’ is a deliberate con; We know that there has been about 1 degree warming during the recent past so that if we do get another 1 degree by the mid to end of this century they (The IPCC) will claim to have saved the planet with their 2 degrees! So simple.
Something I find consistently is that teachers, academics, etc and young people are mainly among those who support the AGW story whilst that older people are less likely to believe the scam.
“tarot card reader”
What they have are a bunch of statistical modeling tools that allow them to twist and break them bones in whatever manner they wish. They read bones. They read tea-leaves. They read tarot cards. Oracles mashing and manipulating, scaling and rescaling, normalizing, and so on and so on until they get the prophecy that gets the strongest reaction from the masses at the bottom of the mountain.
Indeed. Statistical f***ery is no different than superstitious nonsense. We just don’t know enough in total about how the climate works, and it’s reflected in how much the data, the models, and the presentation of the results are manipulated.
Grubbing In the entrails.
‘No one has any doubt that Britain’s electricity industry is now in a parlous state. It already has some 50 percent more generating capacity than it has ever required, with an additional 15 percent under construction – and in the last year the demand for electricity in Britain, far from increasing, has actually fallen.’
Environment, July-August 1976
I hope to visit Australia some day. A great description of the continent – including its crazy climate – is in a forgotten book by Bengt Danielsson, Boomerang [1956]. I propose that climate modelers read it first before publishing and perishing.
Eleventy-hundred probably has a long history, like Tolkien’s Elevensies for pre-lunch, and from the dregs of my mind, there was ‘eleventy-ten’ for the grandmother on The Beverly Hillbillies.
Rain, rain, go to Spain;
There’s nothing here for you to gain;
The models speak in terms so stern;
The world they say will soon just burn;
Rain, rain, just go away;
Little Johny wants to play;
You don’t want us here my friend?
Then drought you’ll have without an end;
Rain, rain, your magic ply;
Our water pipes are all too dry;
Good morning rain, I’m glad you’re back;
The modelers were just dumb old hacks.
Good morning rain, what kept you away?
Why, it was just our normal play;
The rain they said would never come;
Oh! The predictions were so dumb;
The predictors had such bad fit;
That I became all bored with it;
And nothing rhymes with disgusted me;
But I their critic still shall be;
And if Roy hogue a poet be;
Then I’m just an old pine tree;
And I flunked poetry 101 if anyone wants to know.
I tried but couldn’t come up with a good limerick. So you’re stuck with what I did instead.
A good attempt Roy, keep at it!
Its said, if a thousand Hogue’s randomly type on a thousand typewriters eventually they will produce the above poem.
Also if a thousand climate modellers fill a thousand climate models they will never produce the results of nature.
Even with the smile I’m not sure if that’s a compliment or a kick in the butt.
The grapevine around California is now saying that if the next 2 storms perform as forecast then the drought will be over and water use restrictions will be lifted.
I had not heard that when I wrote that whimsical little ditty poking fun at the doom and gloom set or I would have had some stronger statement to make.
The Grand Challenges for CMIP4, CMIP5 and CFMIP projects —
This collection of numchucks have, more han any others, brought science into disrepute.
****Breaking News****
Another Adelaide blackout!!!!
Hey Red Thumb! Why did I get a “thumbs down” for that?
This is EXACTLY the type of power production system you wanted!
Looking at the map again it looks like most if not all of SA is included – grid failure!
Taxpayers to fund solar trams:
Victorian taxpayers will partially fund the building of a $150m solar plant to power Melbourne’s tram network.
The Australian
Now will that line go to Sunshine, Melbourne, Victoria?
Sunshine is a suburb of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, lying 11 to 13 km west of the CBD. Its local government area is the City of Brimbank. At the 2011 census, …
They will be building a 75MW solar subsidy farm to implement this insanity which will simply mean more cost to general electricity users plus tram users (since fossil producers will be forced to pay the subsidy farm for the right to produce fossil power via Large Scale Generation Certificates at $90 per MWh).
No doubt industry (union) superannuation fund member’s monies will be invested?
No doubt! Subsidy farms are a license to print money.
And raise the cost of living for electricity consumers unnecessarily while handicapping commerce and industry too.
OT , what’s wrong with their ABC these days ? There is no green propaganda that I can find on the “news just in” page .
But there is a story on the SA blackout drawing a link between high wind generation and high dependence on the interconnectors causing instability .
They mention the outage now in a separate story but are blaming unusual weather events not windmills (which rely on the weather!).
To move from energy independence to dependence on an interconnector (meaning Victoria’s Brown Coal) and then complain about the Energy Market forces is crazy. SA Energy Minister Koutsantonis blames market forces, which is incredibly disengenuous. In the real world, if you make yourself destitute you become a victim. Actually planning to buy electricity and gas from other states in an emergency is like living off credit cards because you have spent all your cash. You will pay penalty rates. Commercial operators are in business to make money, not be generous and understanding with their shareholders’ money. He can complain away but how does making the State utterly dependent on someone else’s CO2 generation save South Australia or the planet?
State Mottos: South Australia – Festival State, Better by Bike, The Wine State, The Defence State, The Creative State
I have a new one for the Green Labor government. State of Emergency.
Victoria – Garden State, On the Move, The Place to Be, Stay Alert Stay Alive
With Labor premier Daniel Andrews outrageously rewarding his CFMEU and UFU Union backers,
Victoria – Garden State, On the Move, The Place to Be, Stay Alert Stay Alive
Could be The The Mate’s State.
Completing the slogan “The Place to be From”
Leaving Lost Wages?
18 Jan: TheFederalist: Why NYT Hid The Numbers For The ‘Hottest Year On Record’
When you read a science report claiming that 2016 was the hottest year on record, you might expect that you will get numbers. And you would be wrong.
By Robert Tracinski
I just got done combing through a New York Times report titled, “Earth Sets a Temperature Record for the Third Straight Year.” The number of relevant numbers in this article is: zero.
We are not told what the average global temperature was, how much higher this is than last year’s record or any previous records, or what the margin of error is supposed to be on those measurements. Instead, we get stuff like this…READ ALL
The following “news” report, from France 24, needs to be shot down in flames. We all know, of course, that it’s absolute nonsense but, unfortunately, many gullible European, US and other people will swallow it – hook, line and sinker.
‘….beating the previous year by 0.07 degrees (0.04 Celsius).’
The margin of error is officially 0.10 degrees, so I don’t know where that leaves us.
They are farming subsidies, not wind.
That activity has needed a tag but the general public has to be made aware of the fact that “carbon free” windmills are powered by their own tax dollars courtesy of shifty political sleight of hand, and the other hidden contribution via a “green surcharge” on their electricity account.
Simple, or simply theft?
The Australian federal and VIC state governments are paying $230 million over 4 years to “save” 700 direct jobs at the Portland aluminium smelter. That is a cost of over $82,000 per job per year. The reason this smelter is in trouble in the first place is it was damaged when the power failed first time and then the government chose to triple the coal tax and also shut down the Hazelwood Power Station. Aluminium smelters rely on cheap night time power from fossil power stations and the power stations rely on customers like aluminium smelters to sell their surplus power to. The taxpayer would not be suffering any additional burden if it were not for the systematic destruction of cheap and reliable power production in favour of the unreliables. The whole exercise is insane.
O/Topic, I notice Soros has peered over the parapet of his villains hideout to fire a couple of pot shots at Trump:
If anyone wants to see the measure of this man (i.e. Soros) just Google the 60 minutes (US edition) interview with him that they desperately try to keep off the net. It gives you a direct insight into sociopathy.
Sometimes I wonder that because thermal power plants, like the majority of nuclear power plants are just too reliable.
Maybe if they were only three to five time more reliable than renewables they would be appreciated more!
I know this is both an immoral and illegal act to do but I feel so because at least two generations have lived with reliable power for most of their lives. They now appear to grossly under appreciate how the power companies deliver that reliable cost-effective service to their homes and businesses, they fail to understand how much of their modern lives utterly depend on its reliable delivery.
Still as SA is finding out reliable power delivery makes a major difference to your everyday life.
Trump welcomes the rain:
19 Jan: The Hill: Brooke Seipel: Trump welcomes rainy inauguration: ‘People will realize it’s my real hair’
President-elect Donald Trump on Thursday welcomed the rainy forecast at his inauguration, joking that if nothing else it will prove “it’s my real hair.”…
“It may rain, it may not rain. It doesn’t matter. I don’t care,” Trump said. “If it really pours, that’s OK because people will realize it’s my real hair and that’s OK. It might be a mess, but they’re going to see that it’s my real hair.”
Trump has been frequently mocked online and for his iconic hairstyle, with many wondering if it’s fake…
WaPo was raining on Trump’s Inauguration parade yesterday, which probably prompted his joke today:
18 Jan: WaPo: Angela Fritz: The forecast won’t budge — rain seems inevitable for Trump’s inauguration
(Angela Fritz is an atmospheric scientist and The Post’s deputy weather editor. She has a B.S. in meteorology and an M.S. in earth and atmospheric science)
The forecast has become more certain that Friday is going to be cloudy, damp and cool for President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration ceremony and the subsequent parade…
Rain start time is still the uncertainty on Friday, but our confidence is very high that crowds will have to deal with showers at some point. Rain could begin as early as 7 a.m. and last until late afternoon. We’re not expecting heavy rain, just a cool, damp day with showers on and off…
Just after sunrise, the temperature in D.C. will only be in the upper 30s, and it might already be raining. If you’re heading down to the Capitol around 7 or 8 a.m., bundle up. At noon, which is Trump’s swearing-in time, there’s a 70 percent chance of showers…
The Post Recommends
Opinion: Trump’s presidency is doomed
He doesn’t realize he’s the new LBJ.
earlier, USA Today was concerned about the wind and Trump’s hair! suuuure:
16 Jan: USA Today: Doyle Rice: Will it be a bad hair day for Donald Trump’s inauguration?
While the weather looks relatively mild and potentially rainy for Inauguration Day, it’s the wind forecast that’s crucial for folks concerned about President-elect Donald Trump’s hair during the ceremony…
Fortunately, there’s some good news in the forecast: The National Weather Service predicts that winds will be only 5 mph on Friday at noon as Trump takes the oath of office… AccuWeather agrees, calling for 5-mph winds on Friday with occasional gusts to 8 mph.
The vagaries of Trump’s sometimes unruly hair have been a long-running joke for late-night TV hosts for decades. David Letterman used to call it “that thing on top of Donald Trump’s head.”…
As for temperatures and rain, after earlier forecasts of a clear and potentially record warm Inauguration Day, many now predict a possibly wet but still relatively mild day. All three weather forecasters predict a chance of rain Friday…
MSM itself is a joke.
So having confidently predicted global warming for the inauguration, the MSM are now enjoying the reality of a cold, windy rainy day. Warming weather prediction wrong again? Trust Donald to make a joke of it. I still like the cheeky humour when he said Melania’s address was booed but Michelle Obama was cheered when she said the same things. That was a clever admission showing the MSM hyprocrisy for what it is.
A bit of Arctic sea ice fun
Didn’t the Algorithm say that there would be no need for icebreakers by 2020?